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    Praying Women Worldwide is an organization with a great passion for  helping the vulnerable destitute and defenseless  orphans out there, since God calls his people to reflect his special love for such both in word and in deeds. In terms of being benevolent and giving to charity, every donations the organization receives goes directly to other funding  projects. working  towards donating to the less privileged in the society specifically to orphans, hence the organization sponsors some of this kids in their education and provide medical support, the  organization has donated to orphanage and homeless shelters like Kumasi children's home, save our lives Ghana, homeless shelters like Village at Cambridge street Worcester MA.USA. Praying women worldwide is  extending her arm and influence far and wide throughout the world.

  With such a great mandate, the organization  is based on Acts 10:38. which says" how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good and healing the oppressed of the devil, for God was with him".


Praying women worldwide believes that the church of Jesus Christ is not just the four walls of a building, but it exist in the heart and the souls of people believing in Jesus and putting their faith in action affecting lives and bringing hope to the hopeless.


Joyful Rad has always been an altruistic person even when she was a  young teenager and made it a priority to be

Our Mission

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world through collaborative prayers and donations.

We Need Your Support Today!

Our Vision

THE PRAYING WOMEN WORLDWIDE is founded with the purpose to raise a global army of women intercessors in other to reveal their value and purpose with a mandate to transform families, societies and nations for the establishment of Gods kingdom.

praying  women worldwide is making great efforts to see  orphans and the needy assisted with food, shelter, so their material and spiritual needs are met.

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